"Key enhancements in SAP GRC Access Control
As we zoom past
our initial hiccups during the configuration of the SAP GRC Access Control 10.0
we come to notice major enhancements that SAP is trying to do in the SAP GRC
Access Control version 10.0
Seems to me that
a lot of feedback is being incorporated by SAP improve to the day in a life of
SAP GRC Consultant working on Access Control 5.2 or 5.3 versions.
No doubt the
console of the new SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 is sleek and brand new. It gives
a good feeling and a sense of fear as well since there are new things out there
that we need to master and leverage now. Below is a glimpse of some of the key
changes we noticed that are coming our way in the SAP GRC Access Control
version 10.0
1.Robust RAR – Often customers
used to ask us when we used to show to them an access risk analysis report, “Is
that all?”The challenge was that since the report used to be so bulky that one
needs to spend considerable amount of time reading and analyzing it to find out
where we need to act first for remediation/mitigation. Looks like we can have
some relief around this problem since SAP has come up with a new framework for
RAR which helps us narrow down our risk analysis to a very specific level as
well as quickly sort our risk analysis data in a way where in we can reach to
our critical mass of the users or roles faster. RAR in SAP GRC Access Control
10.0 is giving us an option to add conditions based on system, user groups or
even risk level to do an analysis. Earlier it was just restricted to User and
Roles primarily. Another important new feature in SAP GRC Access Control RAR
10.0 is that it supports multiple rule sets during the analysis.
2. Bulk data handling – It
happens. Huge organizations at times grow out big and never get time to do the
cleaning in the authorizations assigned to profiles and users. Cases are known
where the number of violations reported after an analysis has shot more than
1million. It used to become very difficult to download this amount of bulk data
to an excel sheet due to sheer limitation of rows and columns in an excel
sheet. This particular issue is now resolved in the new version SAP GRC Access
Control 10.0 where reports can be split into different files and downloaded.
3. Personalization in Reporting- Reporting
was mundane before in SAP GRC Access Control 5.3 as there were stringent
limitations in the way one can modify the report as per ones needs. SAP GRC
Access Control 10.0 gives us a lot of flexibility to shape up a report in fact
the view of the report in the system as well to fit our requirements or the
viewer’s profile. One can sort, filter or simply remove rows and columns which
are not so important for us and print our report as a PDF or a Crystal Report.
The best part is we do not need Crystal Report license to do all we need is the
Crystal Report adapter to be installed.
4. Drill Down on Reports –
This particular feature was present in SAP GRC Access Control 5.3 but in the
new version SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 it has been significantly enhanced.
Doing a drill down to identify and troubleshoot the violation and under the
risks associated with it is made better. One can do a drill down based on the
risk id, user id , functions and every other security entity which can help us understand
it better and plan a mitigation for it.
5. Mitigation made easy –
Setting up a mitigation control to remediate each violation/risk was a time
taking task in SAP GRC Access Control 5.3, we now have new features that have
been introduced by SAP to help us save time and plan mass mitigation
approaches. We can now assign a single mitigation control for a set of
violations /risks, now this means that business users can define a lesser but
more effective mitigation controls for all their business risks. Also the IT
teams can set up mitigation controls specific to systems which is also a new
feature introduced. The mitigation controls also have the tenure (time period
for which mitigation will be valid) that can be tied to a mitigation control.
6. Audit‘s delight- Well good news
for hardworking auditors have also come in the SAP GRC Access Control 10.0.
Auditors will now have a better view of all changes made in the GRC system. One
could never track from SAP GRC Access Control 5.3 when was the last time this
transaction was used by a particular user or how many times has it been used in
the last six months. This kind of information was difficult for a non SAP
Security person to find out without any help from the backend. Now SAP GRC
Access Control 10.0 makes the life of an auditor also simplified to be able to
access this information as a SAP GRC power user. Any changes made to the rule
sets, critical roles or profiles, functions, risks, org rule can be tracked by
an Auditor with details like when the change was made and by whom. The
historical value of these set of fields are also maintained.
7. Centralized Emergency Access Management aka Firefighter -
access is now centralized in the SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 to manage and
utilize firefighting activities from SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 applications.
Workflow based provisioning and review process is introduced now which helps us
greatly reduce our efforts compared to SAP GRC Access Control 5.3 for
provisioning of firefighter ids and review of logs to monitor the usage of
firefighter ids.
8. CUP Centralized – The
Compliant User provisioning module of SAP GRC 5.3 has new avatar as SAP
business workflow running through all the modules of SAP GRC suite. Seems like
SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 will be able to support seamless provisioning
across multiple rule sets as well something which was not possible in older
versions. New features include customizable access request forms and approver
views. The new enhancements also facilitate position-based role assignment
requests which help us leverage our existing HR structure for automated and
compliant position based role assignment.
9. ERM helps in Role Governance – Role
Mining as a new feature noticed in SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 is going to help
us bring out sanity every now and then by providing us information like Role
usage. The feature can be used to periodically remove any un-used or over
authorization from the roles there by maintaining governance around roles.
10. Stronger friends with IDM- The
IDM story with SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 is set to grow. Tighter integration
with SAP IDM 7.2 and SAP GRC Access Control 10.0 leading to faster and easier
provisioning is promised as these 2 new versions of SAP products come into
general availability. The communication channel between the two products is
being made stronger and the audit reporting in SAP IDM around User Access
Management is expected to boost.
Look out for
these and many more new features introduced in the SAP GRC Access Control 10.0.
As we move on, more details around these features will be shared. Surely the
experience in GRC is will be getting better with SAP and it is up to us now to
grab these features and put to use.
Comply with Controls to Compete.
Kunal Kant
"This article is
copied from " http://sapgrc10.blogspot.in/2011/03/10-key-enhancements-in-sap-grc-access.html
" written by Kunal Kant"
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